I’m just so tired these days *sigh*. I’ve got a little vacation coming up this weekend, and I’ve been sick all week! Going to the doctor tomorrow to figure out what can be done in time for the weekend. Procrastinating really isn’t a good thing, and I should have learned my lesson on that one long ago!
(shopping spree)
Work has been going well. I have a post on the restaurant’s face book page that addresses the owner and me. I was waiting their table that day, and they gave very good feedback. Hopefully that’s enough to
convince my boss to keep me around!
Hoping to post some pictures of some vacation shenanigans when all is said and done. Till then, I had two questions that perhaps some of my kind followers
could answer for me.
One: I want to purchase a bb face cream. It will be my first time and
I’m not sure what brands are trustworthy. Any suggestions?
What has everyone been up to?
♥ Hello you dear new followers ♥
Get better! Nothing sucks more than going on vacation while being sick! D:
Ok about BB creams.
The most popular brands are SKIN79 and Missha. If you are aware of Bubzbeauty she has a BB Cream overview.
Lots of info there—-> http://www.bubzbeauty.com/reviews/110-bb-cream-overview.html
It really helped me out which one to pick, in the end I picked the Skin 79 Super Beblesh Balm (Gold Label).
What I’ve been up to….? Hmmmm exercising and dreading the day of returning to school…
*psst* Also have to say nice design on your blog (^_-)b
Ugh thank you so much for the feedback! Sorry, I’ve been working on the layout forever, but I think I’m going to stick with something like this for a while. I just can’t seem to be satisfied no matter what it looks like! xD
I’m definitely looking at the Skin 79 brand for bb creams. Is there another product you would be able to recommend?
Hmmm… Well I’ve been mostly a fan of skin 79, but Missha is ok. I can only say which ones to avoid, haven’t found much that I’ve liked. Now these ones I picked out I absolutely hate.
Garnier BB cream,Laneige BB cream, and Missha Signature Real Complete BB cream. This is only if you have oily skin like me.