I’m starting a new (and my first) job on Saturday. It’s pretty nerve-wracking, and I’m not exactly sure I’m ready for it. That could just be the nerves talking, but I really do want to save up money and have a steady source of income!
I’m going to be working as a waitress at a vegan restaurant, but the owner just opened the place so I’ve also been told that I’m going to be doing prep work in the kitchen as well as greeting customers and taking phone calls.
It’s going to be a little bit of everything, which is going to take some time to get the hang of. She’s asked me to come in an hour early so that she can explain the ropes to me, but I’m still afraid that I’m not going to adapt quickly enough for her.
Here’s hoping it turns out well!
I remember my first job at a noodle house ( ̄▽ ̄) The restaurant gig is scary at first, but after the second day you get used to the flow of things. Don’t worry you’ll do great! (Just don’t spill anything on a customer lol)
Oh gosh, you had to go there! I’m so nervous about stuff like that. I’m just hoping customers are understanding if they find out I’m new at it. D: Do you have any tips for staying calm? xD
What helped me stay calm was checking if the floor had any liquid substance, so I wouldn’t fall and spill noodles everywhere…. After that I was calm as ever. XD My logic: I don’t slip, I don’t get fired haha