I don’t know about you, but the impending holidays have my life in chaos. Not to mention, this is also the busiest time of the year for almost everyone at work. Marketing is often exhilarating and very rewarding, but everyone is in such a rush to get things sorted before the holidays. Sometimes I feel as though I’m standing still, feeling the breeze of people running by me in a tizzy. That’s not to say I haven’t been scrambling; I definitely have been! Day in and day out, it seems.
I decided today was as good a day as any, so I took off from work at lunch and picked my dogs up and we went for a stroll through what remains of our last snow storm. I love my neighborhood in all seasons. The warmth and welcoming energy mold and change with whatever season it is, but they are ever present. My neighborhood is a simple one, and surprisingly quiet considering it is surrounded by the city. Coming from a place of bias or not, I love this little pocket of earth I’ve grown up in. It will always be special to me. Here’s a little scrap book of our walk! After all,
“a leisurely stroll is a gift”
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