Do you look at your life in chapters? Lately I find myself thinking more about the years gone by and less about the “big events” that seemingly separate one year from the next. It is surprisingly easy to lose track of one’s life when thinking about time in terms of mountains, canyons, oceans…The weight of water, the process of erosion makes almost everything feel minuscule in comparison.
Nothing but a scratch on an endless surface, some of us making more of an impact than others. In the end, the choice is ours. What kind of impact do we want to make? Are we comfortable circling this drain of eternity with our eyes shut, simply hoping for the best? Or do we fight to forge our own path down and hope that we make more of a dent than a scratch?
After so much searching, I think the most comforting thing is that it really doesn’t take that long to find myself again. A relatively simple life is what I desire. Somewhat quiet, but never lacking passion or purpose. It takes more than a simple realization for this to sink in to the soul, it takes effort to avoid the many traps that say a grandiose lifestyle is the only way to make a difference.
Your life doesn’t have to include these many luxuries to be important. It’s as simple as finding who you want to be, and working toward becoming that person despite fear. My life will be quiet, simple, but very impactful. That is my hope, anyway.
Beautiful thoughts. I like what you say about having a life that is simple, quiet but that makes an impact. That’s what I’d like too 🙂
That’s so great, I feel like we are told so often that if we aren’t living loudly/expensively that we aren’t really “living”. It’s so refreshing to find more people with similar mindsets. Thank you, Cristina!