There seems to be a huge disenchantment happening not only with blogs but with social media in general. I won't lie to you and say I haven't felt it, too. Tiring of the daily "lifestyles" we are force-fed, enviable and luxe and always out of reach. I have never understood that approach, and it doesn't really appeal to me. This place has always been about the story between the lines; a vulnerable openness without spilling out every detail of life onto the page. Only the closest of friends and loved ones know the depth of what is left off of here, and I have always reveled in the mystery that remains. It gives me a sense of joy, dancing on that blurred line, although it can be hard to balance at times.

For me, it constantly feels like I put a million things into this universe and they disappear never to be seen again. Sometimes, though, one of my pictures or one of my stories will reach one of you. And it will bring an opportunity, an idea, or in the luckiest of situations a new friendship. We will build entire new universes around this bond together, and in that moment it makes all of this feel worth it. All this blind throwing of my creations, hoping one finds its way to you. Maybe, just maybe it will inspire you to share yours, too.

Vintage top & skirt // shoes are from

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