Humidity, a slight breeze, the occasional gin and tonic while devouring the next book placed in front of me, and enjoying the afternoon light well after 8 in the evening. These are the sum so far of my summer spent in England. It also appears that no matter where I go or when, dogs and their owners will find me and I will end up being a dogsitter at least once. Just to be clear, that is not a complaint.
Dress // Amour Vert
Today is the first real cloudy day we've experienced since I got here. It feels good to finally have the heat wave break. As a person who dedicates much of her free time to crafting beautiful photographs, the clouds aren't conducive to a great shot, so I'm pulling a few from the past few days. For today though, I'm enjoying being able to use this time to utterly fill and feed my heart and soul with novels, essays, history and fiction. I just finished reading I'll Tell You in Person by Chloe Caldwell and can't recommend it enough. Other than that, my new favorite thing is taking slow walks and stopping to smell the roses, as they say.
How are you spending your summer? I hope you're all finding time to do what feeds your soul.
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