This is the time of year when everyone I know, myself included steps back to take stock of their lives and their year. In going over everything that happened this year, I find the intentions to be mindful of for 2019. What is most important for me right now is to focus less on the things that won't affect my life in months, weeks or even days. Coming from a family of perfectionists and extremely hard-working women, failures, perceived or otherwise are one of the hardest things for me to deal with.

For 2019, I will work harder to ensure that I do not see my "failures" as shortcomings, but rather as opportunities to do better, to learn and to grow. This goes hand in hand with the age-old habit of stone hard "resolutions". Resolution seems too strong a word for a time in my life where I am finally ready (for possibly the first time, ever) to be gentle with myself, so for now, I prefer the word intention. With that said, I want to spend the remainder of this year focusing on the abundance that has been bestowed on me and the ones I love, instead of the negativity that so easily permeates our every thought.

As I enter my last years of "twenty-something", I find that my twenties have been spent in life-or-death weighted decisions. Racing to the next accolade, the next goal, racing through life without ever actually trying to *have *a life. So often we are afraid of moving on for fear of losing our current footing, not realizing that where we land may be so much better than where we started. This year required a good few leaps of faith, and I see many more coming in the future. But if you are struggling with where you're at right now, all I can say is I have not once regretted jumping before looking. That job? That crush? That goal?
Just go for it, head on.
You’re a wonderful soul <3 I hope you and your loved ones have a great many years to come as well!
Thank you so much! What a wonderful comment. Wishing you and yours the same ❤