vs. Resolution

Ahh, January. Another first month of a new year, where we all undoubtedly take stock of our lives, and ways to improve them. Talking with friends and family has reopened those resolution doors that always seem to close or be forgotten by the time February or March get here. Resolutions have always held a certain rigidity when it comes to expectations. That's why this year, I want to set intentions for myself. Rather than sticking to the same deadline-oriented "goal" that tends to set us up to fail.
More often than not, resolutions we make are about the things we already know we need to change, so why not be a bit gentler with ourselves about making those changes, and to helping them stick?

Intentions serve more as a guideline, a roadmap along the path to the ultimate resolution for me. By no means does that make intentions less effective, though. Quite the opposite, actually. Versus resolutions, intentions are shown to stick longer and work better for us psychologically. So, instead of that age old "I will cut out all sugar and lose 30lbs starting January 1st" resolution, make an intention to focus more on healthy eating and trying new exercises to see what you enjoy.

My intentions for this year are:
- Dance and Sing more
- Get back into running and cycling
- Read more
- Celebrate life/be more present
- Relax more
- Take more walks
- Simplifying and minimizing in all areas of my life
What do you think of intentions vs. resolutions? Will you be setting any intentions or resolutions for yourself this year?
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