In partnership with COIN
Though my urban ambitions have been the driving force behind me staying in the city lately, I have started to notice that the older I get the more I long for a quiet life outside city limits. Preferably with a backyard that opens up to nothing but wide open space.
I've been saving and investing my money to be able to afford this dream of mine one day, but while I'm hearing about the barrage of avalanches and the inevitable summer drought headed our way, it started to dawn on me that I want to do more to preserve the quiet places. The places more conducive to life, to living it well, and to ensuring everyone else can, too. I want to play a role in protecting our planet and addressing climate issues we can't ignore. What does this have to do with investing, though?

As a freelancer, it's one of the most important things to learn early on how to work with your money wisely, which is why I'm so excited to introduce you to COIN, a conscious investment platform that also helps you support the causes most near and dear to your heart. COIN offers impact areas that include a mix of companies selected based on their abilities to make a real difference in the world.
Their 8 impact areas are:
Gender Equality
Climate Action
Better Health
Clean Water
Reduce Waste
Quality Work
Modern Cities
Shared Prosperity

The causes I care about most are climate action, gender equality and clean water. As a Denver native, I have grown up knowing how much a dry season can affect our water supply for years to come, and the thought of water scarcity on a much larger scale in other areas of the world is so upsetting. Investing with COIN and choosing clean water as an impact area means that your money is backing companies that are working toward sustainable water management and better sanitation practices so that hopefully one day no one will have to know what true water scarcity feels like.
Gender equality is another huge issue, for many reasons. Women who work in the labor market still make almost 25% less than men globally. There have been no meaningful wage gap improvements made in the last 20 years. We should celebrate the strides taken to get to where we are, but we should also continue fighting for an equal society that we can all benefit from.
Climate action is too overwhelming for many to think about, but by investing with COIN you can know that your money is invested in companies that are working diligently toward reducing global emissions and finding more sustainable options for our future. In the end, the more living I do, the more I realize that nothing can ignite in me the innate joy the way that nature can. Our planet is a majestic place that we need to protect and take care of. When we are confronted with the beauty of nature we should remember that it is our responsibility to do everything we can to keep it healthy, the way it does for us.

If you want to do even a little more to help the planet, here are a couple of easy changes you can make in your life.
Cutting back on your to-go coffees (have your coffee at home, or invest in a reusable cup for on-the-go).
Instead of ordering in, take some time for yourself and actually go out to eat! This will cut back on the amount of waste from takeout packaging.
Instead of stocking up on bottled water, invest in a water filter and reusable bottle. Water filters have become much more advanced and can often give you even cleaner water than you would get from bottled water, anyway. It's a win-win!

If you want to get involved in conscious investing, use promo code COIN2019 to receive $50 when you invest your first $100. You don't need to have a huge amount of money to get started, and you’ll know your investment is aligned with your passion to bring about change and a better tomorrow for everyone.
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