A state of mind simultaneously all over the place and yet completely still. The end of winter always leaves me at odds with myself and seemingly everything in life. Lack of energy, both in being creative and getting out there to head off the issues that continue to find ways to enter all aspects of my life the last couple of weeks. Come last Wednesday, I had the feeling that these issues were a prelude of something else, of impending disaster. That feeling was right.
While I have my back on one area of my life, trying to pick up the pieces of another, I keep hearing crashing behind me. I've been busy putting all the energy I can muster into putting those pieces back together as best as they can be. But life and work don't slow down for unforeseen problems, and I have to juggle a while longer.
Until this never-ending cold snap breaks and the sun decides to come back to these Colorado skies.

I can't help daydreaming about summer, when things come alive again and I can start living out the thoughts that get me through these oh-so-gray and dreary days. This summer's dreams require more planning than ever before, and they also cost a pretty penny to be quite honest. Deadlines are looming ever closer, so I really should get back to work if I want to help make those dreams a reality.

I will just have to wait and see where the wind blows me. The warm ones that come with spring have rarely led me astray.
Until next time, when I will most certainly have happier things to share.
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