Sheet masks have long been a “thing” of mine. I’ve always thought they were refreshing and relaxing after a long day, so when I was invited to review the VIIcode O2M Eye Mask, I was excited, to say the least! It is a mask that you use on your under eye area two or three times…
Basic Skin Care
The whole “less is more” approach, if you will.
Walk That Line
Everyone seems to have their own little magic tricks for getting that perfectly shaped eyeliner.
Self Portraits
It makes me sad when I hold my camera up to capture precious moments of my friends and family, seeing them bounce back in fear of the lens. I don’t understand why women are so..I don’t think that self-conscious is the right term for that reaction. It is so much more than that, to recoil…
Body Unashamed
Hello! This post has actually been one of the most challenging posts I’ve ever had to write. I was surprised at how truly difficult it was to come up with things to say about myself. That being said, I was also surprised at how easy it was for me to look at the blogger I…