I love seeing all of the flowers on their way to lovers across town.
Falling Short
I’m so anxious for Spring to be here.
Self Portraits
It makes me sad when I hold my camera up to capture precious moments of my friends and family, seeing them bounce back in fear of the lens. I don’t understand why women are so..I don’t think that self-conscious is the right term for that reaction. It is so much more than that, to recoil…
Home Alone
Now that the holidays have come to a close, my home has become quiet again. We had many visitors this year and between people in and out, family being near, and nonstop baking, cooking and running errands, I feel like I’ve been totally wiped out. However, I had the house to myself again for the…
Dreamy December
We have arrived at the end of yet another year! I can’t believe how quickly 2014 went by, even though so much happened this year. It has honestly been one of the most eventful years of my life thus far, and that has been both a very wonderful and very difficult thing. I feel like…